Thing #23- Summarizing my thoughts

Here are my thoughts about the 23 Things program:
First of all, I would like to say, "THANK YOU" to everyone involved in creating this program. It was so beneficial to me. This is the first time in a long time that I have ended a professional development workshop feeling like I learned something that was truly valuable to me as a librarian! I am so thankful that although my district is not part of Spring Branch, we were allowed to join in the fun anyway! Now to summarize:
1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
I would have to say that my absolute favorite thing was setting up the blog. When I set it up I felt so successful, like I had really accomplished something worthwhile! I like that I have this blog ready to go for use later with my students, teachers, and parents.
I also really enjoyed the mashups. I had so much fun playing with all of them! Finally, I would have to say that the discovery of Delicious has made my life so much easier!
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
Like I stated before, I finally feel like I have learned something of true value. With technology changing so quickly it is so easy to fall behind the latest and greatest things out there. I love that I have brought myself closer to becoming a real "techie". :) I am finally able to share things with my "tech-guru" sister that she did not know! That makes me feel great!
3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I think the most unexpected outcome for me has been my comfort level with all of this new stuff. When we started I was very apprehensive about setting up a blog and learning all of the 2.0 tools. Surprisingly, I was able to accomplish each task without too much trouble. Of course, I still haven't posted the Photostory. Maybe I shouldn't say that yet?? :)
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I would like to see this continue past just the basic 23 Things. Other than that, I can't really add much. I felt like the whole program was well organized and thought-out. I rarely had difficulty getting any of the links to work. It all ran very smoothly for me!
5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?
In a heartbeat!!! I am crossing my fingers for more! In my opinion there is no better way than this to learn new things as well as earn professional development credits!
6. How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities?
The most productive, fun, and interesting way I could've spent my "spare" time in the summer!!!


  1. Love your background. Agree - have learned much.

  2. I loved how you personalized the background of your blog. Your posts are very refreshing to read!

  3. Delicious has been a lifesaver for me more than once in the past year. I travel between two campuses, and I can almost always count on the thing I need being at my other campus. At least, that is not the case with my bookmarks!

  4. Re: This is the first time in a long time that I have ended a professional development workshop feeling like I learned something that was truly valuable to me as a librarian!

    I agree completely-- this has been time well spent! I am hoping to build a similiar program for our teachers to use-- I think these tools will greatly benefit them as well. If the teachers and librarians all know and use the same tools, the possibilities for collaboration are endless!

  5. I really love the look of your blog! I'm hoping I'll master that as I crank out the rest of this program! Thank you for the inspiration.


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