Reflection Island

1. What were your favorite discoveries or excursions on this learning journey?

I would have to say that I have two favorites: Skype Island and Excursion Island. I really liked learning more about Skype so that I can start seriously considering using it in the library. I already knew a little about it, but I have not actually ever used it. This class sort of "forced me" to stop, research it, and consider how I might use it in the library.
On Excursion Island I absolutely loved that you posted the sites that are all neatly organized and list so MANY of the web 2.0 tools that we could possibly be using. Last year we learned about some of them, but I don't really remember you posting sites that links to so many and organized so that we can find what we might be interested in.

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?

As I get older I have learned that technology is growing and changing faster than we can keep up with it. If we are not in the game, learning and using it regularly we are going to be left behind. That's why I like this type of class so much. We get to do this in the summer at our own pace. We can take the time to really dig deep and learn things that help us personally as well as professionally. I especially love that I am able to show my 12 year old new and exciting things that can be done on the web. Usually it is her showing me. I even think as parents it is important for us to be informed and using all the things that our kids are using, but that is a totally different subject. I won't get on that soapbox! Ha!

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

I have tons of take-aways! I guess I would say that I am most surprised by how many tools I can take back and share with my teachers!
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?

I really like the format! I am not sure that I would suggest changing anything. I did really like when you added the followers on your blog. I know it sounds silly, but when I see others pressing forward and moving ahead of me, it makes me get busy, too!
I really think that both years have been very organized and well put together. I also feel like this class is so much more beneficial than going and sitting in a class and focusing on one topic. We learn so much more this way. I know we are actually spending more time too, it just doesn't feel like it. I hope you are able to keep finding new things to add so that we can do this each year. I love it! Thanks for all your hard work!


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