
Showing posts from June, 2009

Thing #7- Exploring Google Tools

I was surprised to see how many different things you can do with Google. I was familiar with a few. I already knew about Google Earth and iGoogle. I clicked around on all of the tools and tried to familiarize myself with them all. I like the calendar option, but I already use a calendar in Outlook. I decided to focus on Google Advanced Search and Atomic Learning. In the advanced search part of Google I loved looking for powerpoints that are already made that go with my curriculum. I searched specifically for library rules powerpoints and found all kinds of neat stuff. Here is a link to a Jeopardy game that goes along with the library rules theme. I would have to tweek this a little to match my personal library rules, but it is awesome to have this already made! Atomic Learning is awesome! I wish my district had a subscription to this. My campus is always discussing and looking for ways to get reluctant technology users to become comfortable with technolgy and to use it in their classr...

Thing #6- Mashups

At first I had a hard time seeing how the mashup sites would work for me in the library. However, my interest really perked up when I came across the trading cards site! I can think of so many ideas to use this site. I also love the Mosaic pictures! Wow! I can't wait to put my Disney World pictures into a cool mosaic.

Thing #5- Using Flikr in the library

I went to Flikr and searched for nursery rhymes. I found this picture of Humpty Dumpty. I think it would be cute to share with the kids. It is made with food.

Thing #3-Setting up blog and avatar

I found setting up my blog pretty easy. I have a blog for my library website at school and it all pretty much worked the same way. I enjoyed creating the avatar. I reminds me of setting up a Mii on my kid's Wii. The hardest part about that was uploading it. I sought out my sister (our family tech-guru) and she showed me how to save as a jpeg and upload it that way. I have looked at a few other blogs. I have not yet posted any comments or questions.

Thing #2- The hardest lifelong learning habit

The hardest lifelong learning habit for me is #4, having confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. I have discovered that whenever I run into a technology problem if I slow down and give it time I can solve the problem. However, when I think I have figured out how to solve the problem, I start to doubt myself. Most of the time I will seek out by email or a phone call one of my fellow librarians to see how they have solved similiar problems. Most of the time I find that I had figured it out correctly on my own, I just did not have confidence in myself.

Thing #2- Easiest Lifelong Learning Habit

The easiest lifelong learning habit for me is #6, Using Technology to my Advantage. I do not claim to be a "super-techie" librarian, but I do love technology and love to use it. I find myself turning to technology to simplify all areas of my life. The latest example of this would be a few weeks ago. I was packing my family for our trip to Disney World. I had already ironed my husband's shirts and did NOT want to re-iron them once we reached our resort. So, I went on YouTube and found a video I remembered seeing on how to best fold knit shirts. I watched it a few times, and quickly learned how to fold the shirts so that they would make the trip without getting messed up in the suitcases. OK...did I mention I can be a little anal in some areas of my life??? :)